$14.9 million headed to communities to improve local sewer systems

Since 2016, NEORSD grants have supported more than $77 million in local infrastructure, regional benefits

NEORSD file photo

Cleveland (Aug. 4, 2023) — The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Board of Trustees awarded 17 grants worth nearly $15 million to improve local infrastructure with regional water-quality benefits.

The Member Community Infrastructure Program (MCIP) provides funding to member communities and eligible political subdivisions for sewer infrastructure rehabilitation, replacement and improvement projects that address water quality and quantity issues. These issues adversely impact human health and the environment and are mitigated through cost-effective sewer infrastructure projects. This year’s grant awards totaled $14,900,964.98.

Since the program’s inception in 2016, the Sewer District has awarded $77.4 million towards 107 public sewer infrastructure improvement projects. The Sewer District’s grants have leveraged an additional $97.2 million in member community infrastructure investments, greatly improving water quality in the region.

MCIP grants in this 2024 funding round include:

  • Beachwood ($1,600,000.00): Timberlane / Green Sanitary Relief Sewer Phase 1
  • Brook Park ($84,630.00): Sheldon Road and 5856 West 130th Street Septic Systems Abatement Project
  • Cleveland Division of Water Pollution Control ($1,575,000.00): Brookside Boulevard Area Sewer Improvement Phase 2
  • Cleveland Hts. ($999,625.00): Hampshire Road Illicit Connections and Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Control
  • Cleveland Hts. ($75,100.00): Control of SSO CH-30
  • East Cleveland ($369,000.00): Target Area Sewer Replacement — Phase 2
  • Garfield Hts. ($1,228,425.00): South Parkway Drive Reconstruction
  • Lorain County Commissioner ($214,450.00): Forestview Home Sewage Treatment System (HTST) Abandonment
  • Maple Hts. ($1,467,000.00): Southwest Sewer District — Sewer Repairs Phase 2
  • Maple Hts. ($409,590.60): Southwestern Sanitary Sewer District #2 Improvements (Western)
  • Middleburg Hts. ($2,200,000.00): Indian Creek Sanitary Relief Sewer
  • Newburgh Hts. ($2,075,287.50): Beta Avenue Reconstruction Project
  • Parma ($700,000.00): Craigleigh Drive Septic Abatement Project
  • Pepper Pike ($844,150.00): Belgrave Road Septic Conversion
  • South Euclid ($312,682.00): Rushton Road Infrastructure Improvement Project
  • Summit County Sanitary Sewer Services ($597,658.83): Q-186 Hudson Area-L SSO Elimination
  • Walton Hills ($148,366.05): Walton Hills Sanitary Sewer Study
Projects marked in light gray are Equity Investment Focus Area projects.

“Failing septic systems, basement flooding, sanitary sewer overflows and common trench sewers all can contribute to poor water quality throughout our region,” said Director of Watershed Programs Frank Greenland. “This program provides a vital funding mechanism to assist with needed repairs and new sewer infrastructure and protects and improves the region’s water resources.”

The Sewer District anticipates funds will be available annually through a competitive process and upon approval of the Board of Trustees.

Additional information about the program can be found at http://neorsd.org/mcip



Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Official Medium channel of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District in Cleveland, OH