How to prepare your plumbing for the total solar eclipse

Where this once-in-a-lifetime event crosses paths with the all-of-your-lifetime infrastructure

An eclipse reflects off the water of a toilet bowl.

In the digital-media content din of Cleveland’s total solar eclipse coverage, no one has asked how to properly prepare their plumbing for the total solar eclipse and I for one am shocked.

So to fill the void, we’ve compiled this helpful tip sheet so your plumbing and sewers are adequately prepared for the total solar eclipse April 8, 2024.

Sanitation, from darkness to light

First, let’s respect what sewer progress we’ve made since Ohio’s last total solar eclipse in 1806. Well of course, sewers, since the late 1800s, and wastewater treatment since the 1920s. All of sanitation really, huge public health advancements since our last time in a path of totality.

No, none of us will be around for the next time in 2444, but your Sewer District is indeed building systems and protecting water resources meant to last for generations. We’re always building and making better with sights set on tomorrow.

Crowds and supplies

For Clevelanders in 2024, we know the eclipse will draw huge crowds. If you manage a space with restrooms, if you’re hosting guests, or if renting out your home, keep your bathrooms stocked with essentials.

  • Toilet paper stocked and easy to reach.
  • Plunger in a logical place.
  • No items near toilet that could fall in and cause awkward clog risks.
  • Keep your waste basket easy to see.

Flow control

We want to help you prevent back-ups. But what about those of the traffic variety?

We’re adjusting our field crew assignments on April 8 to reduce crews on the road to critical response only. If you’re on the road that day, be patient with everyone else who is, too.

Network connections

Cellular network providers are assuring customers that service will be uninterrupted during the 4-minute total eclipse, but we can’t be too sure. As your sewer provider, we’re committed to ensuring you stay connected to our network as long as you need it.

Weather realities

Cleveland’s weather makes predicting the eclipse visibility tough too far out. But if it does look like rain, instead of looking up, maybe look down., towards the street drain near your home.

Make sure it’s free of surface debris like trash or yard waste to keep things flowing properly during storms.

Brightness and eye protection

If you’re looking at the eclipse, be sure your glasses meet the requirements of ISO-12312–2 for filters for direct observation of the sun. If you’re looking at your future, be sure your browser is set to

We know protecting your eyes is critical, especially if you are working in the professional trades. Our careers that rely on eye protection include welders, maintenance techs, electricians, lab specialists, and many more. is where you can safely view all of our opportunities, no eclipse glasses needed.

To the sun and moon and back

The eclipse will cover cleveland for about 3 minutes and 49 seconds, which is no big deal for us. We’ve been throwing shade for years and will keep you covered long long after.

Stay safe out there, Cleveland.



Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Written by Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Official Medium channel of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District in Cleveland, OH

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